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Intraoral High Definition Rhodium Photographic Mouth Mirror. Double-sided and polished and rounded edges for patient comfort. It allows taking pictures without ghost images or distortions due to fogging of the glass.

32,95 (27,23 tax not included)

4 in stock (can be backordered)


Intraoral High Definition Rhodium Photographic Mouth Mirror. Double-sided and polished and rounded edges for patient comfort. It allows taking pictures without ghost images or distortions due to fogging of the glass.

Intraoral photographic mirrors are essential tools in modern dentistry. They allow clear and detailed images of the inside of a patient’s mouth to be obtained.

These mirrors are also known as mouth mirrors and are used in regular dental examinations, restorative procedures, and treatment follow-up.

They are composed of a reflective glass or metal surface usually mounted on an ergonomic handle. They come in different sizes and shapes to fit different areas of the mouth.

Its main advantage is the ability to view and capture images of areas that are difficult to see directly. By reflecting light back into the mouth, dentists can accurately examine the surfaces of teeth, gums, and other oral tissues.

This is especially helpful in identifying cavities, periodontal disease, oral lesions, and other conditions that require attention. In addition, they help document the progress of treatments.

Dentists can use digital cameras or mobile devices to capture high-resolution images. These images are stored in the patient’s records and are used for future reference. Another usefulness is educating patients about their oral condition and explaining recommended treatments.

Proper cleaning and sterilization, essential to ensure safety and prevent cross infections. Mirrors must be cleaned with disinfectant solutions and sterilized following established protocols. Also, it’s important to replace worn or damaged mirrors regularly.

In summary, intraoral photographic mirrors are essential tools in dental practice. They improve the efficiency and precision of procedures, enable effective communication with patients, and are part of the arsenal of any dental professional committed to excellence in patient care.

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