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1.8mm double composite spatula. It is a flexible double-bladed spatula for composite work. 1.8mm wide blades aligned in perpendicular planes.

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1.8mm double composite spatula. It is a flexible double-bladed spatula for composite work. 1.8mm wide blades aligned in perpendicular planes.

Double spatulas for composite are very useful dental instruments in the field of aesthetic and restorative dentistry. These spatulas have a unique design that allows them to be versatile and practical for various techniques and applications in composite work.

These instruments have two ends with different shapes and sizes, which facilitate their use in different situations. On one side, one end can have a flat spatula-shaped tip, ideal for mixing and loading the composite. On the other hand, the other end can have a ball or cone shaped tip, or another spatula or tamper that will allow the composite to be shaped and sculpted into smaller, more detailed areas.

The advantage of having two differently shaped ends lies in the versatility and efficiency they provide during the procedure. The clinician can use the flat spatula end to precisely mix the composite, ensuring a homogeneous distribution of the components. He can then switch to the ball or cone end to apply and sculpt the composite to desired areas.

These double spatulas also feature high-quality stainless steel construction, making them strong and durable. This is crucial, since the spatulas are in constant contact with the composite and must withstand pressure and manipulation during the procedure.

In addition to their use in applying and handling composite, double spatulas are also effective in removing excess composite for a smooth, esthetic finish. The flat spatula-shaped end can be used to smooth and shape composite surfaces, removing any excess or irregularities.

It is important to mention that double spatulas for composites must be properly cleaned and sterilized after each use to ensure hygiene and avoid cross contamination. Proper cleaning and sterilization will prolong the life of the spatulas and ensure a safe working environment for the dentist and the patient.

In short, the 1.8mm Double Composite Spatula is an indispensable instrument in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. Their double-ended design with different shapes and sizes makes them versatile and practical for mixing, loading, applying and sculpting the composite. In addition, its stainless steel construction guarantees its durability and resistance. By using these spatulas, dentists can achieve aesthetic and precise results when working with composite, improving the health and appearance of their patients’ teeth.

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