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Universal lubricant spray for all types of dental rotary instruments. Great lubricating and protective power. Not toxic. 500 ml

12,97 (10,72 tax not included)

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Universal lubricant spray for all types of dental rotary instruments. Great lubricating and protective power. Not toxic. 500ml

The lubrication of rotary instruments in dentistry is of vital importance. Without proper lubrication, these instruments can experience premature wear and deterioration, affecting performance and life.

Firstly, lubrication helps to reduce friction between the moving parts of rotary instruments. This ensures smooth and efficient operation, avoiding excessive heat generation. In this way, the risk of damaging the patient’s tissues due to high temperatures is avoided and the useful life of the instruments is extended.

Additionally, lubrication helps prevent debris and particle buildup on instruments. During dental procedures, it is common for saliva, blood, and other fluids to collect on rotating instruments. If proper lubrication is not carried out, these residues can adhere to the moving parts, hindering their movement and compromising the precision of the dentist’s work.

Another advantage of lubrication is the reduction of noise during the use of rotary instruments. By applying lubricant, a protective layer is created that dampens vibrations and reduces the noise level generated by the rubbing of parts. This not only improves patient comfort, but also favors the professional’s concentration on the procedure performed.

It should be noted that lubrication should be carried out regularly and following the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is important to use specific lubricants for rotary dental instruments, since their specific formulation allows them to withstand the working conditions to which they are subjected.

In summary, proper lubrication of rotary instruments in dentistry ensures efficient operation, prolongs their useful life, prevents the accumulation of debris and particles, reduces noise, and ensures precision in procedures. Maintaining an adequate lubrication routine, a fundamental task for the care and maintenance of these important instruments in dental practice.

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